Medical Articles
Adrenal Carcinoma
Case study: Miss JW
- 32 year old female
- Presented to Endocrinology @ TBH 12/2006 with severe virilisation
- Obese (110Kg)
- Other complaints:
- Depression
- Menstrual irregularity
- No past history of note
- Obese patient with Cushingoid habitus and severe virilisation
- Hypertensive with BP 155/94
- Abdomen: Striae, no masses palpable
- Systemic examination otherwise unremarkable
- U+E - Normal
- FBC - Normal
- LFT - Normal
- 24h U-Cortisol - 1380 nmol/24h (152-789)
- ACTH - Low
- DHEAS - 23.2 umol/l (2.7-9.2)
- Testosterone - 11nmol/l (0.5-2.6)
- Suppressed FSH and LH
- Metanephrines and VMA normal
- Aldosterone renin ratio normal
- Contrasted CT abdomen
- 5cm heterogeneous mass of the right adrenal with microcalcification. No evidence of invasion of surrounding structures.
- Four liver metastasis less than 2cm (Segment 2,4B, 5 and 6)
- Norchol scan (NP59)
- Adrenal primary with liver metastasis
- Surgery
- Debullking for symptom relief
- Chemotherapy
- Mitotane
- Mitotane with Cisplattin/Etoposide
Procedure - Palliation
- Performed at TBH on 25/1/2007
- Laparoscopic right adrenalectomy
- Laparoscopic sonar guided Radiofrequency ablation of liver metastasis
- Uncomplicated course with discharge on day 3 on stteroid replacement
- Adrenocortical cancer with areas in keeping with pigmented miicronodular hyperplasia. Tumour to within 1mm of the resection margin.
- Functional (Glucocorticoid and androgen producing) ACC
Follow up
- 07/2007 (Endocrinology TBH)
- Virilisation resolved (Voice change persistent)
- Weight 96Kg
- Biochemistry
- Testosterone 1.3 (0.5-2.6)
- DHEAS 0.2 (2.7-9.2)
- 24h U-Cortisol 93 (152-789)
- Imaging
- CT – No recurrence
- Norchol scan – No hot spots
Follow up
- 15/1/2008 (Endocrinology TBH)
- Virilisation resolved (Voice unchanged)
- Weight 89Kg
- Biochemistry
- Testosterone 2.1 (0.5-2.6)
- DHEAS 0.1 (2.7-9.2)
- 24h U-Cortisol 240 (152-789)
- Imaging
- CT – No change from 2007 scan
ACC – An overviiew
- 1% of all adrenal tumours (1/million/year in USA)
- Median age 40–50 years
- 1:1 male to female ratio
- 60-80% functional
- 30% Cortisol
- 20% androgen
- 10% estrogen
- 35% mixed (High index of suspicion in adrenal lesions producing more than one hormone)
ACC - Staging
- Stage I
- Disease confined to the adrenal gland and <5 cm in diameter (approx 20%)
- Stage II
- Diisease conffiined tto tthe adrenall glland and >5 cm iin diiametter (approx 20%)
- Stage III
- Local invasion that does not involve adjacentt organs or regional lymph nodes (approx 20%)
- Stage IV
- Distant mettasttases or invasion into adjacentt organs plus regional lymph nodes (approx 40%)
ACC – An overview
- Imaging
- CT – Hettrogenous mass
- MRII – Rapiid conttrastt washoutt iin adenoma and persiisttence in malignant tumours
ACC – An overviiew
- Treatment
- Complete en bloc resection
- Local disease 40 – 60% 5 year survival
- Local invasiion 20 – 30% 5 year survival
- Metastatic diisease <10% one year survival
- Recurrence after resection
- 65% llocalllly or iin draiiniing llymph nodes
- Distant recurences – Lung, Liiver, Bone
ACC – Surgery
Complete surgical resection is the primary treatment modality
ACC - Surgery
- MSKCC: 47 patients with recurrent/metastatic disease
Complete second resection - mediian surviivall of 74 montths (5-year survival, 57%)
Incomplete second resection - median survival of 16 months (5-year survival, 0%).
Prognostic factors
- Review of 46 patients at MSKCC - 3 histologic factors correlated with survival
- Tumour >12cm
- Six or more mitotic figures /10hpf
- Presence off hiisttollogiic eviidence off iinttrattumourall hemorrhage
- 5 year surviivalls::
- 0 factors: 83%
- 1 factor: 42%
- 2 factors: 33%
ACC – Systemic therapy
- Mitotane
- Pesticide analogue (DDT) – direct adrenolytic agent
- Remission rate 20-35%
- Symptom palliation 60 - 80%
- Trials evaluating combination Tx with Cisplatin/Etoposide ongoing.
Adjuvant Mitotane
Italian series: No survival difference between two groups of completely resected patients
Effect of adjuvant mitotane (n = 11) compared with no treatment (n = 15) on the disease-free interval in patients with localized or regional adrenocortical carcinoma.
- Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare disease that often presents late
- Priimary curattiive ttherapy iis surgiicall
- No rolle ffor adjjuvantt chemottherapy has been demonsttratted tto datte
- Palliative therapy with mitotane may be useful; its palliative effect may be entirely due to adrenollytic effect
- Reoperation appears to be the only long term curative option in recurent cases
- Cytotoxic chemotherapy in the advanced/ metastatic setting has nott been definitively demonstrated to be useful in controlled trials